Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Shout backs

>cyn: yes yes! if you're online in MSN, please give me a miss call or something. You know, sometimes people just forget to go online. Haha! No lah, a miss call would send me a nudge! And I want your hilarious photos as well!! Hey.. you better see this shout back!

>KIAHUI: hahaha!! sorry for the late reply.. aiya, it's been so long already. Now it's already a new sem., what for care about the last sem., right? haha! =x but my grades is falling gradually.......

>Br: yes yes.. I'll make sure I won't miss the next one. And that would be YOU! haha! don't let me see u around in school or else... zw,ct and myself gonna give you a triple threat! :D

>KoZinE: thanks alot pal! it's nothing much any O how as I got this blog template from the list of defaults one. haha! I'm just changing around as it's kinda bored always having a black base. Change is constant! ^^ Catch up soon in class, WOO!

>xinyi: haha! yeah.. I think the last time we met was at the basketball court I supposed? that's super long way back.. haha!! yeah.. stories.. like to hear from your HK stories too! Ok, we'll have a meal tgt with my bro soon! Till then, happy schooling! :D

Way to GO

Hello! It's been awhile since I last posted. So how's Deepavali spent? Have any packets from your indian friends?

Tuesday (Back to sch)
- late for maths class in the morning
- tired day and felt drained

In the end, whole evening I was at home, organising my files and fixed a desktop router.(Finally, my laptop have achieved it's purpose of being mobile. Isn't that great? Finally it could enjoy its wireless functions!

26 bucks from (SLS' Bell System 05-68)

ah ha! Here's the review of it: Link

Monday (Deepavali)
- max payne (too much story)
- seoul garden
- meatiest day ever (whacked loads of chicken meat)

nothing taste better than this/birthday bugger

it was a great day spent as it had been long since we met up as a whole. Catching up, messing around, having fun together.

Sunday (A day without HP)
That day I woke up and straight away rushed out for church service, forgetting about my charging HP. In the end, I just moved on with my day without my HP, till midnight when I reached home, received massive spams. My sincere apologies!!

- great service preached; entertaining and expressive
- youthem event wrap-up
- catch up with Sean
- dinner, arcade, pool, bowling @ MS

Had a great time catching up with my cg mates and fun all-round in the games! Ahhh, I didn't achieved any strike! hahaha! But anyway, it was maximum enjoyment!

Saturday (Back in China)
Met up with "Chinamen" & "Chinawomen" and had a day out at MS & Lavender (I guess I spelt correctly?)
- Bowling
- Ah Balling (haha! initially I've no idea what the heck was that.. and it's just that..)
- Tropic Thunder (Hilarious/Mysterious/Great!)

accident near my house (motor "langa" until lorry at incoming lane)

cactus shop (JB Creative is gonna own a cube there) *check it out*

Here we go: Bowling...
that's me/that's br

that's gy/that's zw

and that's the score (i'm so proud of my final hit)

off we go for dinner and to the movies

Hadda so much fun with them and with the stupid faces going around. Haha! And oh yes, all thanks to Joyce for this plan! It'd been a great day spent.

During the week days:

bro's birthday

best chocolate cake

After all the hardwork spent in the Yahoo Mobile Widget Development, here's the time!!!

the goodies for consolation/MoBCob,MoBMatt,MoBTeck,MoBAz (The MoBsters)

Hahaha!! This picture makes me feel like eating fish & co again. But not until then yet I get my $.. from tha fellas~

Gosh, this post takes some time to be written up, I think it's kind of a little stupid when I back tracked time and posting some pictures way back, haha! Anyway anyhow, here goes my "week" and this week I'm looking forward for a good break and rest!

Halloween's falling on friday! WOO... want some candies? haha! Ok, I've to end this post right now, it's getting so early soon. And to you, yes YOU, a good week ahead, wise mind, good health and a fun time everyday!
